Evolutionary and Ecological Genetics of Marine Organisms
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Peer-Reviewed Publications
34. Olsen KC, Medina LDE, Barreto FS, Edmands S, Burton RS (2024) Optimal outbreeding is shaped during larval life history in
the splash pool copepod Tigriopus californicus. Journal of Heredity, esae039
33. Mostow RS, Barreto FS, Hacker SD (2024) A hybrid beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria × A. breviligulata) is more productive and outcompetes its non‑native parent species. Oecologia 205:81-94.
32. Askerooth R, Mostow RS, Ruggiero P, Barreto F, Hacker SD (2024) A novel hybrid beachgrass is invading U.S. Pacific Northwest dunes with potential ecosystem consequences. Ecosphere 15:e4830.
31. Kayhani K, Barreto FS (2023) Disproportionate role of nuclear-encoded proteins in organismal and mitochondrial thermal performance in a copepod. Journal of Experimental Biology 226, jeb246085.
30. Boring EL, Menge BA, Barreto FS (2023) Genetic evidence for multiple dispersal mechanisms in a marine direct developer, Leptasterias sp. (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Marine Biology 170: 137.
29. Olsen KC, Lima TG, Barreto FS, Burton RS (2023) Genomic architecture of hybrid male sterility in a species
without sex chromosomes (Tigriopus californicus, Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Genome Biology and Evolution 15(6):evad091.
28. Graham AM, Barreto FS (2023) Myxozoans (Cnidaria) do not retain key oxygen-sensing and homeostasis toolkit genes. Genome Biology and Evolution 15(1):evad003.
27. Burton AR, Gravem SA, Barreto FS (2022) Little evidence for genetic variation associated with susceptibility to sea star wasting syndrome in the keystone species Pisaster ochraceus. Molecular Ecology 31: 197–205.
26. Mostow RS, Barreto F, Biel R, Meyer E, Hacker SD (2021) Discovery of a dune-building hybrid beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria x A. breviligulata) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Ecosphere 12(4): e03501.
25. Han K-L, Barreto FS (2021) Pervasive mitonuclear coadaptation underlies fast development in interpopulation hybrids of a marine crustacean. Genome Biology and Evolution 13(3):evab004.
24. Schneck DT, Barreto FS (2020) Phenotypic variation in growth and gene expression under different photoperiods in allopatric populations of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Biological Bulletin 238: 106-118.
23. Graham AM, Barreto FS (2020) Independent losses of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) pathway within Crustacea. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 1342–1349.
22. Graham AM, Barreto FS (2019) Loss of the HIF pathway in a widely distributed intertidal crustacean, the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116: 12913-12918.
21. Barreto FS, Bauer KB (2019) Genetic evidence for alloparental care and frequent multiple paternity in the brooding sea star (Leptasterias sp.). Marine Biology 166: 38.
20. Scheffler ML, Barreto FS, Mueller CA (2019) Rapid metabolic compensation in response to temperature change in the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 230: 131-137.
19. Graham AM, Barreto FS (2019) Novel microRNAs are associated with population divergence in transcriptional response to thermal stress in an intertidal copepod. Molecular Ecology 28: 584-599.
18. Barreto FS, Watson ET, Lima TG, Willett CS, Edmands S, Li W, Burton RS (2018) Genomic signatures of mitonuclear coevolution across populations of Tigriopus californicus. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1250-1257. (A News & Views was written about our paper! [link])
17. Pereira RJ, Barreto FS, Pierce NT, Carneiro M, Burton RS (2016) Transcriptome-wide patterns of divergence during allopatric evolution. Molecular Ecology 25: 1478-1493. (We made the cover! [link] and had a perspective written about the paper [link])
16. Barreto FS, Schoville SD, Burton RS. (2015) Reverse genetics in the tidepool: Knockdown of target gene expression via RNA interference in the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 868-879.
15. Barreto FS, Pereira RJ, Burton RS (2015) Hybrid dysfunction and physiological compensation in gene expression. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 613-622.
14. Pereira RJ, Barreto FS, Burton RS (2014) Ecological novelty by hybridization: experimental evidence for increased thermal tolerance by transgressive segregation in Tigriopus californicus. Evolution 68: 204-215.
13. Barreto FS, Burton RS (2013) Elevated oxidative damage is correlated with reduced fitness in interpopulation hybrids of a marine copepod. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 280: 20131521.
12. Burton RS, Pereira RJ, Barreto FS (2013) Cytonuclear genomic interactions and hybrid breakdown. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44: 281-302.
11. Barreto FS, Burton RS (2013) Evidence for compensatory evolution of ribosomal proteins in response to rapid divergence of mitochondrial rRNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30: 310-314.
10. Burton RS, Barreto FS (2012) A disproportionate role for mtDNA in Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities? Molecular Ecology 21: 4942-4957.
9. Schoville SD, Barreto FS, Moy GW, Wolff A, Burton RS (2012) Investigating the molecular basis of local adaptation to thermal stress: population differences in gene expression across the transcriptome of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 170.
8. Barreto FS, Moy GW, Burton RS (2011) Interpopulation patterns of divergence and selection across the transcriptome of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Molecular Ecology 20: 560-572.
7. Barreto FS, Tomas CR, McCartney MA (2011) AFLP Fingerprinting shows that a single Prymnesium parvum harmful algal bloom consists of multiple clones. Journal of Heredity 102: 747-752.
6. Barreto FS, Avise JC (2011) The genetic mating system of a sea spider with male-biased sexual size dimorphism: evidence for paternity skew despite random mating success. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 1595-1604.
5. Barreto FS, Avise JC (2010) Quantitative measures of sexual selection reveal no evidence for sex-role reversal in a sea spider with prolonged paternal care. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 277: 2951-2956.
4. McCartney MA, Barreto FS (2010) A mitochondrial DNA analysis of the species status of the endemic Waccamaw darter, Etheostoma perlongum. Copeia 1: 103-113.
3. Barreto FS, Avise JC (2008) Polygynandry and sexual size dimorphism in the sea spider Ammothea hilgendorfi (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae), a marine arthropod with brood-carrying males. Molecular Ecology 17: 4164-4175.
2. Barreto FS, McCartney MA (2008) Extraordinary AFLP fingerprint similarity despite strong assortative mating between coral reef fish morphospecies. Evolution 62(1): 226-233.
1. Tatarenkov A, Barreto FS, Winkelman DL, Avise JC (2006) Genetic monogamy in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, a species with uniparental nest guarding. Copeia 4: 735-741.